Discovering Faithbridge

Are you new to Faithbridge?  Do you want to learn more? Join us for Discovering Faithbridge.

What is Discovering Faithbridge?

Discovering Faithbridge is a two-hour class taught by our pastor where he provides an overview of our beliefs, history, values, and unique ministry goals and strategy. The process for membership begins with  Discovering Faithbridge and culminates in a membership covenant agreement.

When is Discovering Faithbridge?

Our next Discovering Faithbridge is on Sunday, March 2 from 4-6pm.  Childcare is available with registration for children birth-5 grade.

How do I register?

You can register using the form below, email Claire Estanislao - or call the church office at 904 220 2727

Membership Matters

We live in a disconnected and increasingly low-commitment culture. Unfortunately, that same thinking can creep into the church and work against God’s plans for His children.  The very word for church, ekklesia, means “the called out ones” and reminds us that we think and behave differently than the many around us who don’t follow Jesus.

There a number of biblical metaphors for the church – they describe us as Jesus’ bride, a body, a flock, a family, and a building.  All of these suggest close connections and relationships where we live out the many “one another’s” of the New Testament such as the call to love one another, pray for one another, bear one another’s burdens, etc.  While membership is never definitely described in the Bible, its reality is presumed … it’s pretty hard to have a body when you don’t know what body parts are attached … it's impossible for a shepherd to care for a flock without knowing which sheep he is responsible for … a building doesn’t exist when the bricks are unattached to one another.

While anyone is welcome to participate in worship and many of the ministries of Faithbridge, we place a high value on membership.
  • We recognize that Faithbridge is but one expression of the church in Jacksonville and we love brothers and  sisters in Christ who are committed to other churches but we have a unique commitment to one another.  
  • We recognize that we have a specific vision and plan for seeing it fulfilled that calls on all of us to work together.
  • We recognize that people – by nature – are defined by what they commit themselves to and unapologetically call upon people to commit to this fellowship.
  • We recognize that members share the responsibility for the character and fruitfulness of the church. 
  •  Membership is defined far more by what we do than what we declare.  
  • We recognize that many who participate in the ministries of our church may not fully agree with our doctrine,  values, or ministry strategy, and priorities.  

Anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus, shares our doctrinal beliefs, and is willing to commit to participate in and follow the leadership of Faithbridge Church is welcome to join us in membership.