Wednesday Evenings

Faithbridge offers a variety of programming for adults, students, children & preschoolers on Wednesday evenings.  Classes run from 6:30 - 8:00pm on campus.

January 2025 Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study 

For this year's  January Bible Study we are excited to be looking more closely at our mission work around the world.  The International Mission Board created “Foundations” as a tool to help us understand:

  • The biblical and theological foundations of missions.
  • Who missionaries are.
  • What missionaries do.
  • Why the church must send missionaries.
  • What the church can do to help our missionaries succeed.

There are materials that go along with this study and you can order a hard copy for $5 here or download a copy for free here.

Lesson Schedule (you are encouraged to read the chapters in Foundations in advance of our lessons).

Jan 8                    Lesson 1: Who we are and what we do.
                                 Lesson 2: Purpose of Foundations.

Jan 15                 Lesson 3: Six Components of Missionary Task.
                                 Lesson 4: Convictions and Values.

Jan 22                 Lesson 5: Six Marks of a Transformed Disciple.
                                 Lesson 6: Leadership Development.

Jan 29                  Lesson 7: Healthy Church Formation.
                                 Lesson 8: Praying, Sending, and Partnering



  • Your True Story (Freese) led by: Anna Cleary
    • Room 101
  • CBT Women's Old Testament Study
    • Room 102


  • Yokefellows 1 led by: Fred Bible/Fred Kyle
    • Room 109
  • Yokefellows 3  led by: Chad Baumann/Preston Roland
    • Room 103
  • Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools (Staton) led by: Mike Parton/Trae Masters
    • Room 111


  • Financial Peace University led by: Mindi Kelly
    • Room 112
  • ESL Classes 
    • Rooms 115-119
  • Coed Bible Study led by: Becky Campbell
    • Room 107

Students (6-12 grade)

  • Student Worship in the Refuge. 

Preschool & Kids (birth-5 grade)

Preschool Programming

  • This program includes an age appropriate Bible lesson, craft, and snack. for kids birth- 2 years old.


  • Awana is for kids 2 years old through 5 grade. Awana Clubbers take part in activities such as game square, Bible lessons and verse time.

Cost: If you attend Faithbridge the cost is $50 per clubber with a $100 max per family per year.
For those attending other churches that would like to join us for our Awana program the cost is $75 per clubber with a family max of $150. This fee covers everything your child needs for the year - book, cards, uniform, bag, patches, stickers, awards, Awana store and parties.

(click the appropriate link below to register)
Puggles (2 years old on 9/1/24)
Cubbies (3 or 4 years old on 9/1/24)
Sparks/T & T (K-5 grade)