Kickoff Sunday is a fun day at Faithbridge created to welcome new people into our fellowship! We hope you will make plans to attend a worship service and try out a connect group. We think both are important because we want you to be warmly welcomed and make connections with other people. There are worship services and connect groups at both 9:00 and 10:30 AM. You can click below to get specific information for each ministry area.

On Kickoff Sunday we encourage you to wear a shirt or jersey of your favorite football team. We will be enjoying tailgate food in our connect groups. Don't miss out on all the fun!

Join us in the kids ministry as we celebrate the start of the new football season! Nothing compares to hanging out with friends at a tailgate before a big game, and that is exactly what we will be doing in the kids ministry on Kickoff Sunday. Food will be provided and kids are encouraged to come wearing their favorite sports team jerseys or other apparel. We will also have classic tailgate games and kids will be able to compete in different football events. We look forward to seeing you!
Being a part of Faithbridge Students is Super! Join us for Kickoff Sunday to connect with your peers and to worship among fellow believers your age in our Student Section. We will also be hosting a Student Superfan competition. Come to church dressed up in your favorite football team appeal as we unite together to Kickoff the new ministry year. Students will begin meeting on Wednesday Nights from 6:30pm-8pm following Kickoff Sunday. We’d love for you to join us!
Join us for an exciting Kickoff Sunday in preschool! Our kids will promote to their new classes and enjoy a morning filled with football fun as we celebrate with tailgate snacks, crafts, games, and our bounce house on the playground. Everyone is invited to dress up in their favorite football-themed attire and be part of the fun.
Score a touchdown with the college-age connect group for our upcoming Kickoff Sunday! Sport your favorite team jersey or colors and join us for a breakfast tailgate. Our College students attend the 9am worship service and meet in Connect Group at 10:30 in the Student Building. We'll have fellowship and fun with exciting tailgate games too! Can’t wait to see you there!
¡Faithbridge Español dice PRESENTE! Únete a esta gran Celebración Bilingüe a las 9:00am y adoremos al Padre con la alegría que nos caracteriza y el ánimo de un súper fan. Invita a tus amigos/familia a esta gran fiesta, viste el uniforme o cualquier prenda de tu equipo deportivo favorito y recordemos las bendiciones y fidelidad del Señor juntos. Seguido, a las 10:30am únete al Grupo de Conexión en Español en el que disfrutaremos de competencias, juegos, música y buena comida. ¡Contamos con tu presencia!